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Separating and Settling Amicably

So, you’ve made the difficult decision to split up.

Whether you are ending a marriage or a de-facto relationship, breaking up is never easy and there is much to be sorted out. Every situation is different and you’ll want to get a good divorce lawyer or de-facto relationship lawyer in Perth to guide you through this process.

Depending on how the involved parties approach the process, it can be protracted and painful or it can be concluded in a much smoother manner, if the couple agree to work together to reach the best outcome for all. Remember that if you are in a de-facto relationship for two years or more, you are covered by the Family Court Act. If this is not the case, then very different rules apply, which you’ll want to consult your divorce lawyer or Family Law expert about.

Here are a few tips which may help as a good starting point in the separation or divorce process.

1. Seek legal advice – sounds simple, but the first stop should be at the office of a good Family Lawyer or divorce law expert. Getting the right advice from the beginning will save you a whole lot of time, money and stress.

2. Get financially clever – money and finances are very often at the heart of most difficult divorces so it is wise to protect against debt which could be run up by your former partner during divorce.

3. Safety first – unfortunately divorce and separation can get ugly. Tensions flare and people say and do things in the heat of the moment. Make sure you have a safe place to live and if necessary, have the locks changed as soon as possible.

4. Consider the kids – both parties, should try and put the welfare and needs of their children first in this process. Custody and access agreements should be overseen by a legal professional and every effort should be made to make the separation process as painless as possible for the children.

5. Look to the future – remember that this process will not last forever. Visualise a bright, healthy and positive future ahead and try to remain focused and calm throughout so that a swift resolution can be reached to the benefit of everyone involved.

Talk to one of our lawyers

If you cannot find a suitable time for us to call you, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate you. 

We understand these matters are sensitive and privacy is of the utmost importance. Please let us know a preferred time for one of our team members to gather some more information about your situation, complete a conflict check and organise a time for you to speak with one of our Lawyers.

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