I’m always on the lookout for inspirational people in Family Law, and a company caught my eye at the recent Family Law Awards in the UK (and as a by note, I love an industry event that promotes excellence for its clients). The winner of the Family Law Firm of the Year was Family Law in Partnership, based in London. It is a timely recognition for what appears to be an innovative and preferable approach to Family Law. They have a self-professed belief in an “ethical approach to divorce” and state their goal as “helping people move forward with their lives.” It warmed the cockles of my heart to hear a family lawyer talking like that.
I applaud their ethical approach and I believe that if all professionals involved in Family Law follow this lead and act with integrity we can reduce the conflict and negative effects of separation and divorce.
As you may know, I have a family Law Firm in Perth, Western Australia and this approach is very much in line with what we do. Divorce can have far-reaching effects on not only the separated couple and their children but also on others such as grandparents, siblings and friends. If we can reduce the conflict and the flow on effects of this, then hopefully we are assisting the next generation to avoid their own conflict. I really believe that very few people involved in highly conflictual divorce escape unscathed, and all professionals involved in assisting families following separation should follow the lead of Family Law in Partnership.