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Welcome to CGuides by Leach Legal, your trusted source for expert guidance and support on all matters related to family law in Australia. Our team of experienced family lawyers is committed to providing you with the resources and tools you need to navigate the complex world of family law with confidence and ease.

Whether you are dealing with a divorce, child custody dispute, property settlement, or any other family law issue, our CGuides are designed to provide you with clear and concise information, practical advice, and step-by-step guidance. We understand that family law matters can be emotional and challenging, and we are here to help you through every step of the process. Our CGuides cover a wide range of topics, from understanding your legal rights and obligations to tips on negotiating settlements and coping with the emotional aspects of family law disputes.

We are committed to providing you with the information and support you need to make informed decisions and achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family.

res pdf2
Child Support, Divorce
First Steps Guide
Property Children
Child Support, Divorce
Property and Children
Marriage family separation
Child Support, Divorce
Marriage, Families & Separation
First meeting
Divorce, General Items
How to Prepare for Your First Legal Meeting
Family Law Process
Divorce, General Items
Family Law Process
preparing financial agreement
Divorce, General Items
Preparing a Financial Agreement
divorce guide for men
Divorce Guide for Men
business separation
Business Ownersā€™ Guide
Lea Separation Checklist Screenshot
Divorce, General Items
Accountants Separation Checklist
Free yourself from your former life
Divorce, General Items
Free Yourself From Your Former Life
lea website resource images 255x220 v1 separationchecklist
Divorce, General Items
Separation Checklist
lea website resource images 255x220 v1 unwindingthepast
Divorce, General Items
Unwinding the Past
Pathways to Settlement
Divorce, General Items
Pathways to Settlement

Talk to one of our lawyers

If you cannot find a suitable time for us to call you, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate you. 

We understand these matters are sensitive and privacy is of the utmost importance. Please let us know a preferred time for one of our team members to gather some more information about your situation, complete a conflict check and organise a time for you to speak with one of our Lawyers.

Request a Call

Please fill in your details below and we will call you as soon as possible.