Thinking of separating?

When a couple separate or one party decides the relationship is over there are a number of decisions that need to be made and practicalities that need to be considered.

Decisions such as:

  1. Will you stay in the house together or will one of you move out?
  2. How will living expenses be paid?
  3. Who will get what?
  4. What arrangements will be made for the children?

In order to make an informed decision and reach an amicable settlement it is crucial that you seek legal advice as early as possible. Leach Legal specialises in assisting couples and families manage their separation without the need for expensive court proceedings.

Managing your separation

Leach Legal suggest you consider doing the following upon or prior to separation:

  1. Make an appointment to see a lawyer as soon as possible. Knowing your rights early will assist you make informed decisions.
  2. Make interim, age-appropriate arrangements for the children.
    • If the children won’t be living with you make arrangements to see them regularly and have regular phone or Skype contact;
    • If the children are living with you make arrangements for the other parent to spend time with them and have regular contact.
  3. Consider what you are going to take if you are moving out, particularly personal items, papers and documents.
  4. Redirect your mail.
  5. Change your email and online banking passwords.
  6. Familiarise yourself with your joint bank accounts and monitor the balances. (Assets and liabilities acquired after separation will be taken into account in a settlement).


For further advice regarding your rights and obligations after separation contact Leach Legal on (08) 9486 9733

Talk to one of our lawyers

If you cannot find a suitable time for us to call you, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate you. 

We understand these matters are sensitive and privacy is of the utmost importance. Please let us know a preferred time for one of our team members to gather some more information about your situation, complete a conflict check and organise a time for you to speak with one of our Lawyers.

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