After 25 years in law, I know how stressful divorce and separation is, and how demanding and time consuming the process can be. I also know that an organised, strategic and properly managed client case is usually going to be less expensive, less stressful and provide better outcomes for the client.
I know from speaking with clients who have been with other lawyers and come to our firm, that they often don’t want to discuss problems they are having with how their divorce is being run with their lawyer. We’re not known to be the most approachable of people, although I do make a real effort to employ people-people here at Leach Legal. Clients will often change lawyers rather than have to have an uncomfortable conversation with their lawyer about something they are uncertain or unhappy about.
It is for this reason I have set up a “neutral” person at Leach Legal to ensure that as much as possible, we are aware of any problems our clients may be having with how their case is being run. Moving forward, all clients will be introduced to our new Client Relationship Manager, Fiona Young, so now it will be very easier to tell us when you think we’re wrong!
Fiona and I started working together in Family Law in 1989 and she has worked as a paralegal in Perth Family Law firms since that time. She knows how a Family Law matter works, how the Family Court works and how a case should be properly run. She has extensive experience listening to clients and their needs and looking at ways to solve problems. She’s a great listener, and strong communicator ā two critical skills in managing clients’ needs.
Fiona’s role is to ensure our client’s time with us is productive, positive and valuable. She will seek and receive feedback from clients about their interaction with us and she will be in touch with all our clients regularly to find out what more we can do for them. All of the feedback from clients, good or bad, will be passed on to me and my management team and we will use it to improve our service, systems and processes and to keep our clients case running as smoothly as possible.
Fiona will also have at hand a bank of other professionals such as mediators, psychologists, forensic accountants ā you name it and she will have at her fingertips a recommended professional support person to suit our client’s needs. This is a complimentary service for our clients ā we want to help you tell us when we’re getting it wrong! Plus, we think it will make a real difference with improving the process of divorce and separation.